Να και έταιρο αδελφό πνεύμα στο πως έγιναν τα πράγματα με το δίκτυο
Πρόσφατα ανακάλυψα τον Αλέξανδρο Μακένζυ, μέλος της πρώτης ομάδας εργασίας
για το δίκτυο INWG από την λίστα ιστορίας του διαδικτύου που τρέχει η ομάδα "postel"
στο Ινστιτούτο ISI στο Πανεπιστήμιο στην Καλιφόρνια.
Θυμάμε αχνά την ταμπέλα μιας συνάντησης στο πανεπιστήμιο του Sussex (ήμουν τυχαία εκεί)
το 1972/73.
INWG - International Network Working Group.
Να τι γράφει ο Αλεξ και το πρώτο που παρατηρώ αναφέρει και αυτός την δική μου
ανακάλυψη της "τελειότητας" στο πως και γιατί του διαδικτύου από τον John Day :
INWG and the Conception of the Internet: An Eyewitness Account
1972 was an exciting year in computer networking. The ARPANET, which came to life near the end of 1969, had grown to 29 nodes by August 1972. The National Physical Laboratory in England, under the direction of Donald Davies, had been running a 1-node packet switch interconnecting several NPL computers for several years. The French Research Laboratory IRIA, under the direction of Louis Pouzin, had begun the implementation of a packet-switched system called Cyclades. In July 1972, three people associated with the ARPANET work at BBN formed a new company, Packet Communications, “to engage in the business of providing communication services for computer to terminal, computer to computer, [and] terminal to terminal information transfer.”1 In November 1971 the European Common Market announced the intention to build a European Informatics Network (EIN) for research and scientific purposes under the direction of Derek Barber from NPL, and planning was underway in 1972. Several national post, telephone, and telegraph (PTT) organizations were beginning to consider building national common-user data networks using packet-switching technology. These included the British Post Office’s Experimental Packet Switched System (EPSS), RCP (French PTT), and a small experimental packet-switched network (PSN) built by the Norwegian PTT during 1971 to 1972 and used for experiments for three months.

Καταλήγει ο Άλεξ:
History is not an experiment that can be run multiple times from different initial conditions, but I have often speculated about what might have been different if DARPA had chosen to adopt the INWG 96 proposal in early 1976.18 I once thought that if the research community were united behind one End-to-End Protocol, we might have avoided most or all of the incredibly wasteful ISO Open Systems Interconnection activity. However, the OSI effort was probably an inevitable clash between computer manufacturers and PTTs, and of both against IBM.19
I also once believed that the Internet might have exploded into the public consciousness five years earlier if European and US research groups had been cooperating. Maybe so, but there really had to be a number of other developments before the Internet explosion took place, including the transition of the US infrastructure from government-owned to privately-owned under the masterful direction of Steve Wolff of the US National Science Foundation with the funding championed by US Senator Al Gore; the widespread adoption of Unix as an “open” server OS, with free Internet software developed with DARPA funding; the widespread adoption of the personal computer for household use with free Internet software; the development of the hypertext linking protocols by Tim Berners-Lee and using the mouse for point-and-click computing; the development of a browser with a graphic user interface; and the development of a high-performance search engine. Once these developments occurred, the Internet explosion was assured, and until they occurred, it was impossible. Perhaps the only historical difference that would have occurred if DARPA had switched to the INWG protocol is that rather than Cerf and Kahn being routinely cited as “fathers of the Internet,” maybe Cerf, Scantlebury, Zimmermann, and I would have been.
η συνέχεια στο μπλογκ του Alex McKenzie
Με έχει καταπλήξει η λειτουργία διασύνδεσης της google, καθώς βρήκα τον ΑλεΞ Μακένζυ πρόσφατα θέλησα να δώ τι έπαιξε σχετικά οπότε έψαξα με τις λέξεις κλειδίά ONOMA, ARPANET. BLOG με εντυπωσιακό αποτέλεσμα του googleSearch στο τέλος της σελίδας καταγράφεται η σύνδεση από το παρόν ποστάρισμα.
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